As well as writing, I love reading and celebrating other authors. That’s why I co-present the We’d Like A Word books and authors podcast, with fellow author Stevyn Colgan. He used to be a Met police officer and a QI elf. He’s very hairy and knows pretty much everything. I ask questions like: “Do you have a favourite pencil?”
If you like books and reading, have a listen. We have excellent guests from fiction and non-fiction, authors, poets, editors, promoters, publishers, festival organisers – from many genres including thrillers, crime, science, children’s, romance, history, historical fiction, graphic novels and comics. People like Anthony Horowitz, Graham Norton, Belinda Bauer, Isi the Scribe, Dame Denise Mina, Dr Erica McAlister, Peter May, Adrian McKinty, Eoin McNamee, Serena Patel, Taylor Brown and many more.
We also eat a lot of biscuits. Sometimes while speaking.
You’ll find We’d Like A Word wherever you get your podcasts. The website is www.wedlikeaword.com (yes, we’re sorry too about the lack of apostrophe). The home platform is Anchor https://anchor.fm/wed-like-a-word
It’s on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @wedlikeaword
There’s also a growing We’d Like A Word video library of writing tips from celebrated authors on YouTube. Quick, useful and inspirational – the longest is just over 60 seconds. Search on YouTube for We’d Like A Word or click here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHR1fL4a25SXNXhT01a7aGg
Here’s a random episode from We’d Like A Word. We mainly feature authors, but this one stars spoken word poet and zoologist Isi the Scribe, poetic contributions from our audience, and some very demanding poetry challenges. (You wouldn’t know from his picture, but he laughs. A lot.) You can find the 3-part episode wherever you get your podcasts by searching for We’d Like A Word and Isi the Scribe, or via these links on Anchor…
Isi the Scribe on We’d Like A Word part 1